[Short Clip] سیاسی نفسیات - H.I Muraza Zaidi - Urdu
Subject : Majlis e Shahadat Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (A.S) | مجلسِ شہادت امام جعفرِ صادق
Topic : سیاسی نفسیات...
Subject : Majlis e Shahadat Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (A.S) | مجلسِ شہادت امام جعفرِ صادق
Topic : سیاسی نفسیات | Political Psychology
Speaker : Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 22 August 2014
Venue : Karachi
Runtime: 18m:36s
[Short Clip] امام جعفرِ صادق کی زندگی کا سیاسی پہلو - H.I Muraza Zaidi - Urdu
Subject : Majlis e Shahadat Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (A.S) | مجلسِ شہادت امام جعفرِ صادق
Topic : امام جعفرِ...
Subject : Majlis e Shahadat Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (A.S) | مجلسِ شہادت امام جعفرِ صادق
Topic : امام جعفرِ صادق کی زندگی کا سیاسی پہلو | Imam Jaffar Sadiq Ki zindagi Ka Siyasi Pehlo
Speaker : Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 22 August 2014
Venue : Karachi
Runtime: 18m:11s
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2643 days ago
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[Clip] Imam Zamana (ajf) ke Nasir kon hain | Molana Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Urdu
اکستان میں نئی حکومت بنی ہے سب لوگ نیا نیا کی کہ کرتے ہیں مگر اپنے اندر سے اچھا...
اکستان میں نئی حکومت بنی ہے سب لوگ نیا نیا کی کہ کرتے ہیں مگر اپنے اندر سے اچھا ہونے کی بات نہیں کرتے۔ جو امام پوری دنیا پر عدل کی حکومت ہوگی مگر وہ ظالم سے مدد نہ لیں گے۔
زمین پر عدل پہیلانے کا وارث ظالم سے مدد نہیں لے گا۔ ہر وہ چیز جو سمجھ رہے ہیں اس ظلم سے لڑیں اندر کے ظلم سے بھی اور باہر کے ظلم سے بھی۔
دنیا کی محبت، لالچ اور طمع ہے تو عدل نہیں کرسکتے۔
اللہ امام کی محبت کیوجہ سے لوگوں کے دلوں کو بے نیاز کر دے گا۔ دنیا میں رہیں مگر دنیا کیلئے نہ رہیں۔
دعائے مکارم الاخلاق کی اسٹڈی کریں۔ دعائیں مانگیں۔
مولانا ایک تعویذ دے دیں۔ زمین پر سوشل جسٹس کی باتیں۔
اگر میں ماں کی عزت نہیں کروں تو کوئی تعویذ کام کرے گا۔ حرض۔ اور تعویذ کام آتے ہیں پہلے عمل کریں۔
دلوں میں بے نیازی ہو۔ دنیا کیلئے حریص نہ ہوں۔ کام کرو، بزنس کرو خوب کمائو اللہ کیلئے خرچ کریں۔
ہم نے اللہ کو مالک نہیں سمجھا خود کو مالک سمجھا ہوا ہے
توحید کو اور مالکیت کو سمجھو، دنیا پرستی نکالو، قربانی کریں۔ ہمارے پاس ہر چیئرٹی کے پیچھے بینر ہیں۔ روح کو زندگی دیں۔ اپنے اندر بے نیازی لائیں اور اللہ کے فقیر بن جائیں
اللہ جب تک ژندہ رکھ ان کاموں کیلئے جن کیلئے تم نے بنایا تھا
میرا ابجیکٹو شہرت نہیں بلکہ دین کو بیان کرنا۔
خدا جب زندگی شیطان کی چراگاہ بن جائے اور شیطان کو فیڈنگ ہو رہی ہے تو خاتمہ کردے۔
ہم نے منبر کو پرفارمینس دکھانے کا اسٹیج بنا دیا ہے۔
ان آبجیکٹو پر کام کروں جن کیلئے پیدا کیا ہے۔
غنا اور بے نیازی ہوگی تو امام کی نصرت کریں گے۔ دنیا کی چیزیں ہم کو لالچ میں نہ ڈالیں۔
Runtime: 18m:21s
(1)دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of
1st Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main...
1st Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main Wilayat-e-Ahlebait (a.s) aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian
10 Majalis on the topic Dore Hazir main Wilayate Ahlebait as aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi – Urdu
Runtime: 57m:33s
(2)دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of
2nd Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main...
2nd Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main Wilayat-e-Ahlebait (a.s) aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian
10 Majalis on the topic Dore Hazir main Wilayate Ahlebait as aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi - Urdu
Runtime: 62m:3s
(4)دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of
4th Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main...
4th Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main Wilayat-e-Ahlebait (a.s) aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian
10 Majalis on the topic Dore Hazir main Wilayate Ahlebait as aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi – Urdu
Runtime: 62m:19s
(5)دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of
5th Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main...
5th Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main Wilayat-e-Ahlebait (a.s) aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian
10 Majalis on the topic Dore Hazir main Wilayate Ahlebait as aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi – Urdu
Runtime: 53m:16s
[Majlis] Topic: قرب الٰہی کے حصول کے ذرائع | H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Topic: Qurb e Ilahi Kay Husool Kay Zaraaey
قرب الٰہی کے حصول کے ذرائع
Speaker: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza...
Topic: Qurb e Ilahi Kay Husool Kay Zaraaey
قرب الٰہی کے حصول کے ذرائع
Speaker: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
حجۃ السلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
Venue: Toronto , Canada
بمقام: ٹورنٹو کنینڈا
Date: 18 November 2018
Runtime: 48m:53s
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763 days ago
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[Unity Conference] Signing of the UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration - English
Signed on 23 Dhul Hijja 1434 / 28 October 2013
At a meeting convened by the Universal Justice Network
This is the link to the UJN Press...
Signed on 23 Dhul Hijja 1434 / 28 October 2013
At a meeting convened by the Universal Justice Network
This is the link to the UJN Press Release on the declaration.
It contains the links to:
The text of the declaration
Scans of the signed copies
The photos of the signing and the video of the signing
Universal Justice Network (UJN)
28 October 2013
Press Release: Pakistani leaders sign historic anti-sectarianism declaration
Muslim scholars from Pakistan have signed a historic agreement condemning sectarianism and vowing to remove it as a cause of conflict in the violence-stricken country.
Meeting in the Turkish seaside resort of Bodrum under the auspices of the UJN the scholars, who represent all of Pakistan\\\'s major Islamic sects and tendencies, agreed to come together to tackle religious intolerance in the interests of Muslim unity.
The signatories include Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of the Sunni Ittehad Council, Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of Jamiat Ahle Hadith and Allama Syed Niaz Hussain Shah of Hoza Ilmia Jamia Al Muntazar.
The 11-point UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration commits the signatories and the UJN to sign statements in the upcoming Islamic month of Muharram denouncing the killing of fellow human beings on the basis of colour, creed, ethnicity or religion as haram. The statements will also declare excommunication or takfir against fellow Muslims and abusing the Prophet Muhammad\\\'s family and companions as against the Shariah.
Also party to the accord were Allama Mohammad Sadiq Qureshi (Minhaj ul Quran International), Maulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi (Jamay Imamia), Liaqat Baloch, MP (Jamaat-e-Islami) and Muhammad Sarwat Ejaz Qadri (Pakistan Sunni Tahreek).
The accord is based on Charter 3:103, initiated by the Islamic Human Rights Commission in 1997 and now a UJN core project, and since adopted by scores of Muslim organisations, which calls for Muslims to be united in accordance with the 103rd verse of the third chapter of the Holy Quran.
It also addresses the challenging problem of madrasas in Pakistan, believed to be a breeding ground of intolerance, recommending that syllabuses and curriculums under the signatories\\\' respective spheres of influence address the need for respect, harmony and peace between all members of Pakistani society.
Chair of IHRC, and UJN co-ordinator, Massoud Shadjareh said:
\\\"The signing of the declaration is a detrmined step out of the quagmire of murder and fear that has come to characterise the landscape in Pakistan. The situation of sectarian killings and intimidation that has worsened year on year has been dealt a blow by the unity shown today.\\\"
Director of Citizens International and UJN Co-ordinator Mohideen Abdul Kader said:
\\\"The dream for many that the inception of Pakistan once was had become a nightmare. Today\\\'s events bring back hope that one day Pakistan can put the internecine strife of the current era behind it.\\\"
Photos of the signing ceremony can be found at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ihrc/sets/72157637054317024/
The full text of the document and images of the signed copy canbe found here
Please contact the IHRC Press Officer on
[email protected] or +447958522196.
Runtime: 7m:52s
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4090 days ago
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[Unity Conference] Azan and Dua Wahdah after signing of UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration - All Languages
This is the link to the UJN Press Release on the declaration.
It contains the links to:
The text of the declaration
Scans of the signed...
This is the link to the UJN Press Release on the declaration.
It contains the links to:
The text of the declaration
Scans of the signed copies
The photos of the signing and the video of the signing
Universal Justice Network (UJN)
28 October 2013
Press Release: Pakistani leaders sign historic anti-sectarianism declaration
Muslim scholars from Pakistan have signed a historic agreement condemning sectarianism and vowing to remove it as a cause of conflict in the violence-stricken country.
Meeting in the Turkish seaside resort of Bodrum under the auspices of the UJN the scholars, who represent all of Pakistan\\\'s major Islamic sects and tendencies, agreed to come together to tackle religious intolerance in the interests of Muslim unity.
The signatories include Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of the Sunni Ittehad Council, Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of Jamiat Ahle Hadith and Allama Syed Niaz Hussain Shah of Hoza Ilmia Jamia Al Muntazar.
The 11-point UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration commits the signatories and the UJN to sign statements in the upcoming Islamic month of Muharram denouncing the killing of fellow human beings on the basis of colour, creed, ethnicity or religion as haram. The statements will also declare excommunication or takfir against fellow Muslims and abusing the Prophet Muhammad\\\'s family and companions as against the Shariah.
Also party to the accord were Allama Mohammad Sadiq Qureshi (Minhaj ul Quran International), Maulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi (Jamay Imamia), Liaqat Baloch, MP (Jamaat-e-Islami) and Muhammad Sarwat Ejaz Qadri (Pakistan Sunni Tahreek).
The accord is based on Charter 3:103, initiated by the Islamic Human Rights Commission in 1997 and now a UJN core project, and since adopted by scores of Muslim organisations, which calls for Muslims to be united in accordance with the 103rd verse of the third chapter of the Holy Quran.
It also addresses the challenging problem of madrasas in Pakistan, believed to be a breeding ground of intolerance, recommending that syllabuses and curriculums under the signatories\\\' respective spheres of influence address the need for respect, harmony and peace between all members of Pakistani society.
Chair of IHRC, and UJN co-ordinator, Massoud Shadjareh said:
\\\"The signing of the declaration is a detrmined step out of the quagmire of murder and fear that has come to characterise the landscape in Pakistan. The situation of sectarian killings and intimidation that has worsened year on year has been dealt a blow by the unity shown today.\\\"
Director of Citizens International and UJN Co-ordinator Mohideen Abdul Kader said:
\\\"The dream for many that the inception of Pakistan once was had become a nightmare. Today\\\'s events bring back hope that one day Pakistan can put the internecine strife of the current era behind it.\\\"
Photos of the signing ceremony can be found at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ihrc/sets/72157637054317024/
The full text of the document and images of the signed copy canbe found here
Please contact the IHRC Press Officer on
[email protected] or +447958522196.
Runtime: 5m:52s
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4090 days ago
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9th Dua-E-Ramazan 2007-Tafseer-Urdu-Dubai
O Lord! grant me in this day from your widespread rehmats
Guide me towards clear arguments(dalail)
Drag me by pulling me thru my forehead...
O Lord! grant me in this day from your widespread rehmats
Guide me towards clear arguments(dalail)
Drag me by pulling me thru my forehead towards your complete satisfaction/obedience
for the sake of your love,O shelter of the desperate people!!
A stretegy is given here for what are things that you should get in this month
There are many people who are getiing refuge from hellfire in this month,many getting different rehmat in this month,,oh Lord when your rehma are generally being given to everyone,grant me some as well,,ofcourse here the main rehamt asked is the from the spirituality,,
Guide me towards your Dalail:This whole world,,is an ayat of Allah,,all of us know,,many satellites in a galaxy come between other galaxies of many satellites and stars,,and nothing goies wrong,,Ahl Bait plus Quran are clear dalleel of God,,Out of all these ayaats,,grant me o Lord that i understand these clearly,,,otherwise many times it happens Hujat E Khuda is right in front of them but people dont see him at all,,Event of Kerbala is one of its example,,help me towards acknowleding your ayaats clearly,,
Many people strive hard in the world,,spend their lives with hardship and continuous efforts,,but when they draw near death,,they realize that whatever they had been doing has no value at all,,all that i did was for this world which i will be departing from,soon,,,
And even if i am disobedient,,drag me thru my forehead towards your complete obedience:sometime a person gets addicted,,now he wants to get rid of it but cant do it,so allows the caregivers to do whatever way by restraining me get me out of it,,,likewise o Lord,,we are indulged but we realize that salvation lies in your obedience,,so pull me yourself towards You
Although this guidance towards God's obedience is not one sided,,rather we are supposed to do our part,,not just praying,,God has made this world on the principle of freedom of action,,no body is bound to do ,,,otherwise God would forcibly stop the oppressors from oppression and forcibly take people towards good deeds,,but the fact is He has given us the freedom,,
So when one prays here that O Lord guide me towards your obedience,this means provide me with the resources that take me towards your obedience,,for example put the love of Quran in my heart,or grant me with the love of Alh Lul Bait,,or grant me the hatred for the enemies so that i never feel pleasure in their company,,,
For the sake of your Love:Creator of moms love is our Lord,,for those who are desperate like the Aarif people,,let us know the pleasure of your love,,
Seek God's love in your fasts,,prostrate for longer duration,,May Allah accept our deeds,,and inshAllah please our Present Imam(ameen)
Runtime: 15m:53s
[Audio] - Deendari Ki Nishani -Speech by Ali Murtaza Zaidi -May08-Urdu
This is a recent speech by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered in Lahore. The main topic of discussion was to identify a standard through which one...
This is a recent speech by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered in Lahore. The main topic of discussion was to identify a standard through which one can find out if he or she is on the right path. Agha explored various signs that one might possess though they might not necessarily reflect if person is truly religious or deendar. The essence of discussion was that one who is a true religious person or follower of Ahlul Bait AS performs each and every deed for the sake of God.
Runtime: 55m:23s
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6107 days ago
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[Audio] - Rise Against Oppression - Fri Sermon Murtaza Zaidi - 16 May 2008 - Urdu
Friday sermon by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi. Main emphasis was that a Shia should always raise voice against oppression and the evil. Also touched the...
Friday sermon by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi. Main emphasis was that a Shia should always raise voice against oppression and the evil. Also touched the importance of purification in the second part.
Runtime: 25m:12s
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6101 days ago
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(3)دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of
Dor-e-Hazir main Wilayat-e-Ahlebait (a.s) aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian
10 Majalis by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held...
Dor-e-Hazir main Wilayat-e-Ahlebait (a.s) aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian
10 Majalis by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi – Urdu
Runtime: 61m:36s
(6)دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of
6th Safar Dor e Hazir main Wilayat e Ahlebait AS aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed...
6th Safar Dor e Hazir main Wilayat e Ahlebait AS aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi Urdu
Runtime: 57m:46s
(7)دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of
7th Safar Dor e Hazir main Wilayat e Ahlebait AS aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed...
7th Safar Dor e Hazir main Wilayat e Ahlebait AS aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi Urdu
Runtime: 70m:29s
10 - Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of Follower - Urdu
10th Safar Dor e Hazir main Wilayat e Ahlebait AS aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed...
10th Safar Dor e Hazir main Wilayat e Ahlebait AS aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi Urdu
Runtime: 75m:2s
8 - Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of Follower - Urdu
8th Safar Dor e Hazir main Wilayat e Ahlebait AS aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian 10 Majalis by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in...
8th Safar Dor e Hazir main Wilayat e Ahlebait AS aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian 10 Majalis by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi Urdu
Runtime: 73m:53s
9 - Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of Follower - Urdu
9th Safar Dor e Hazir main Wilayat e Ahlebait AS aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian 10 Majalis by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in...
9th Safar Dor e Hazir main Wilayat e Ahlebait AS aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian 10 Majalis by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi Urdu
Runtime: 58m:49s
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5524 days ago
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( Not yet rated )
5524 days ago
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