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3875 days ago
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دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول - H.I Murtaza Zaidi - 28 June 2015 - Urdu
Subject : Dars
Topic : دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول۔ صلحِ امام حسن علیہ السلام کے تناظر میں |...
Subject : Dars
Topic : دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول۔ صلحِ امام حسن علیہ السلام کے تناظر میں | Deeni, Siyasat Aur Bunyadi Usol, Salah Imam Hasan AS Ki Nazar Main
Speaker : H.I Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 28 June 2015
Venue : Bhojani Hall, Karachi
Runtime: 57m:25s
دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول - H.I Murtaza Zaidi - 29 June 2015 - Urdu
Subject : Dars
Topic : دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول۔ صلحِ امام حسن علیہ السلام کے تناظر میں |...
Subject : Dars
Topic : دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول۔ صلحِ امام حسن علیہ السلام کے تناظر میں | Deeni, Siyasat Aur Bunyadi Usol, Salah Imam Hasan AS Ki Nazar Main
Speaker : H.I Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 29 June 2015
Venue : Bhojani Hall, Karachi
Runtime: 92m:8s
1) 22 Muharram - Analysis of Battle of Karbala - AMZ - Urdu
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units
Majlis 1-22 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed...
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units
Majlis 1-22 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 22 Muharram at Islamic Researh Centre Karachi
Runtime: 48m:26s
2) 23 Muharram - Analysis of Battle of Karbala - AMZ - Urdu
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units
Majlis 2-23 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed...
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units
Majlis 2-23 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 23 Muharram at Islamic Researh Centre Karachi
Runtime: 58m:32s
3) 24 Muharram - Analysis of Battle of Karbala - AMZ - Urdu
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units
Majlis 3-24 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed...
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units
Majlis 3-24 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 24 Muharram at Islamic Researh Centre Karachi
Runtime: 60m:15s
4- 25 Muharram - Analysis of Battle of Karbala - AMZ - Urdu
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 4-25 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed...
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 4-25 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 24 Muharram at Islamic Researh Centre Karachi
Runtime: 64m:0s
5- 26 Muharram - Analysis of Battle of Karbala - AMZ - Urdu
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 5-26 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed...
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 5-26 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 24 Muharram at Islamic Researh Centre Karach
Runtime: 56m:24s
[Audio] - 6- 27 Muharram - Analysis of Battle of Karbala - AMZ - Urdu
[Audio] - What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 6-27 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by...
[Audio] - What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 6-27 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 24 Muharram at Islamic Researh Centre Karachi
Runtime: 60m:43s
6- 27 Muharram - Analysis of Battle of Karbala - AMZ - Urdu
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 6-27 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed...
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 6-27 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 24 Muharram at Islamic Researh Centre Karachi
Runtime: 59m:21s
8- 29 Muharram - Analysis of Battle of Karbala - AMZ - Urdu
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 8-29 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed...
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 8-29 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 24 Muharram at Islamic Researh Centre Karachi
Runtime: 62m:36s
7- 28 Muharram - Analysis of Battle of Karbala - AMZ - Urdu
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 7-28 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed...
What attributes and characteristics forced them to join Hussaini and Yazeedee Units Majlis 7-28 Muharram 1431 a..h. 2010 recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 24 Muharram at Islamic Researh Centre Karachi
Runtime: 53m:40s
[2] Qayam -e- Imam Hussain (as) Or Deen Ka Aheya | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Muharram 1443/2021 | Urdu
Majlis 2 - 2nd Muharram 1443
Topic: Qayam -e- Imam Hussain (as) Or Deen Ka Aheya
موضوع: قیام امام حسینؑ کا...
Majlis 2 - 2nd Muharram 1443
Topic: Qayam -e- Imam Hussain (as) Or Deen Ka Aheya
موضوع: قیام امام حسینؑ کا دین کا احیاء
Speaker: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
Organizer: Al-zahra Islamic Center Albuquerque New Mexico
Date: 11 August 2021
#AliMurtazaZaidi #Muharram #Muharram1443 #Majlis #ShiaMajlis #WisdomGateway
Runtime: 65m:50s
[3] Qayam -e- Imam Hussain (as) Or Deen Ka Aheya | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Muharram 1443/2021 | Urdu
Majlis 3 - 3rd Muharram 1443
Topic: Qayam -e- Imam Hussain (as) Or Deen Ka Aheya
موضوع: قیام امام حسینؑ کا...
Majlis 3 - 3rd Muharram 1443
Topic: Qayam -e- Imam Hussain (as) Or Deen Ka Aheya
موضوع: قیام امام حسینؑ کا دین کا احیاء
Speaker: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
Organizer: Al-zahra Islamic Center Albuquerque New Mexico
Date: 12 August 2021
#AliMurtazaZaidi #Muharram #Muharram1443 #Majlis #ShiaMajlis #WisdomGateway
Runtime: 60m:31s
AUDIO Day 1 - 1 Safar - Bandagi kay aadab - Urdu
Majalis recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on topic BANDAGI KAY AADAB in Jafar Tayyar Malir
Majalis recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on topic BANDAGI KAY AADAB in Jafar Tayyar Malir
Runtime: 57m:5s
( Not yet rated )
4799 days ago
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[Hamari Nigah] Discuss With H.I Murtaza Zaidi - Current situation Of Middle east and Pakistan - Urdu
Program : Hamari Nigah
Topic : Current situation Of Middle east and Pakistan | Mashriq e Wusta Aur Pakistan Kay Maujoda Halaat | مشرقِ...
Program : Hamari Nigah
Topic : Current situation Of Middle east and Pakistan | Mashriq e Wusta Aur Pakistan Kay Maujoda Halaat | مشرقِ وسطٰی اور پاکستان کے موجودہ حلات |
Host : Syed Baqar Mehdi Rizvi
Guest : Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Venue : Studio Of Al-Balagh
Runtime: 34m:25s
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3858 days ago
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2635 days ago
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[Clip]حالت نزع میں حقیقت کا کشف |H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi -Urdu
حالت نزع میں حقیقت کا کشف This clip is extracted from the Majalis Series Hussainiyat nusrat e imam and Asr e hazir kay...
حالت نزع میں حقیقت کا کشف This clip is extracted from the Majalis Series Hussainiyat nusrat e imam and Asr e hazir kay taqazay part 07
Runtime: 4m:25s
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2634 days ago
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Talkshow : Aagahi | Topic: Inqalaab-e-Islami Kay Aalmi Asaraat | Part 1 - Urdu
Talkshow: Aagahi - آگہی
Topic: Inqalaab-e-Islami Kay Aalmi Asaraat - Part 1
انقلاب اسلامی کے عالمی اثرات۔ حصہ...
Talkshow: Aagahi - آگہی
Topic: Inqalaab-e-Islami Kay Aalmi Asaraat - Part 1
انقلاب اسلامی کے عالمی اثرات۔ حصہ اوّل
Host: Syed Shuja Rizvi
Guest: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi , Professor Zahid Ali Zahidi
Wisdom Gateway Productions
Runtime: 39m:11s
Talkshow : Aagahi | Topic: Inqalaab-e-Islami Kay Aalmi Asaraat | Part 2 - Urdu
Talkshow: Aagahi - آگہی
Topic: Inqalaab-e-Islami Kay Aalmi Asaraat - Part 2
انقلاب اسلامی کے عالمی اثرات۔ حصہ...
Talkshow: Aagahi - آگہی
Topic: Inqalaab-e-Islami Kay Aalmi Asaraat - Part 2
انقلاب اسلامی کے عالمی اثرات۔ حصہ دوئم
Host: Syed Shuja Rizvi
Guest: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi , Professor Zahid Ali Zahidi
Wisdom Gateway Productions
Runtime: 47m:3s