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Utho Keh Kay Ya Hussain (a.s) - Samarrah Tragedy - Urdu

added by AliAli
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Added: 28-03-2008
Runtime: 2m 52s
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Utho Keh Kay Ya Hussain (a.s) - Samarrah Tragedy - Urdu. Once again the peaceful Community of Shias has been struck by the evil forces. As history indicates - the Shias are a peaceful and...
Utho Keh Kay Ya Hussain (a.s) - Samarrah Tragedy - Urdu. Once again the peaceful Community of Shias has been struck by the evil forces. As history indicates - the Shias are a peaceful and tolerant people. We believe in the philosophy of live and let live. And this is the reason that we are a thorn in the eyes of the Salafis Wahabis Al-Qaida and the Taliban. From the very beginning the Wahabis and the other similar groups have always incited trouble while compelling others to engage in evil and hate. It is not that we the Shias are weak but that it is against the teachings of Islam which we adhere to. Intolerance injustice and oppression have always been strictly against the teachings of the last Prophet of Islam. The Quran clearly states that to you-your religion and to me-mine. It is unfortunate and tragic that Islam has been viscously hijacked by barbarians who have nothing to do with humanity let alone Islam. However the latest attack in Samarrah is way beyond belief and shatters all decency. We will not retaliate with violence. However we will strongly voice our opinions and demand our rights through all and only legal means necessary. In that spirit-I on my personal behalf and on the behalf of my Shia Community- strongly condemn and denounce this recent heinous act. We the Shias deplore all acts of oppression and injustice wherever it may occur in the world. We condemn all desecration to all sacred sites wherever they may be - and to whomever it may belong. We condemn all acts of terrorism and violence regardless. We request everyone to take a unified stand against all the injustices and tyranny occurring in the world. It is vital that now every citizen on Earth bond and strive towards truth, justice and tolerance against the common enemy inflicting pain and hate.

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