Iranians hold rallies to support Islamic dress code - 08Jul2011 - English
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Just days before the national day of Hijab and Modesty, hundreds of Iranians took to the streets of Tehran and other cities to throw their weight behind a nationwide move to confront un-Islamic...
Just days before the national day of Hijab and Modesty, hundreds of Iranians took to the streets of Tehran and other cities to throw their weight behind a nationwide move to confront un-Islamic dress or bad Hijab.
Chanting such slogans as, “Hijab saves family and society” the demonstrators urged the government to protect the Islamic law.
In the past few years Iran has established a moral police unit, which has been assigned to confront those, who fail to uphold Islamic dress code especially in the summertime; the moral security police caution those who do not observe Islamic dress code properly, both women and men.
Islam, like other religions, believes that personal freedom in this field should be exercised in a controlled way, since unrestrained freedom creates chaos, especially in family relations.
The demonstrators believe that family and school play a key role in promoting the culture of Hijab in the society, and this is not possible unless the government and the nation work hand in hand.
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