[12 Aug 2012] Mahmoud Abbas supports closing of Rafah crossing by Egypt - English
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[12 Aug 2012] Mahmoud Abbas supports closing of Rafah crossing by Egypt - English
The West Bank government led by the western backed acting Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas has...
[12 Aug 2012] Mahmoud Abbas supports closing of Rafah crossing by Egypt - English
The West Bank government led by the western backed acting Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas has expressed its support to Egyptian authorities shutting down of tunnels between the blockaded Gaza Strip and Egypt.
Egypt sealed the tunnels last Sunday along with the Rafah crossing following the killing of Egyptian policemen near the border with Gaza.
In a press conference held in Gaza, Hamas movement condemned the inciting statements by Mahmoud Abbas.
The Gaza population of over 1,5 million depends on tunnels for most of its goods including food and fuel
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