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President Ahmadinejad attending UN General Assembley On Tuesday - 17 SEP 2010 - English

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Added: 18-09-2010
Runtime: 0m 46s
Views: 11748
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Ahmadinejad: IAEA under pressure Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is under Western pressure when it comes to reporting on Iran's...
Ahmadinejad: IAEA under pressure Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is under Western pressure when it comes to reporting on Iran's nuclear program. "Western powers have dominated the agency. So when they prepare a new report they pick on two issues," Ahmadinejad told reporters on Friday. "They are not even sure to which legal article they can adhere to when they seek to speak against us." "They speak in general terms, and do not provide any evidence to show that we have committed any violations," he added. The president criticized the agency's latest report, in which Director General Yukiya Amano concludes that the IAEA verifies the non-diversion of "declared" nuclear material in Iran, but has adopted unusual wording with regard to the country's safeguards obligations. "We say we have shown you everything that we have...and when we ask them to show proof of the existence of this undeclared material, they ask us in turn to offer evidence that they are non-existent." Iranian officials reject Western accusations that Tehran is pursuing a military nuclear program, arguing that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Iran has the right to peaceful nuclear energy. Article Source: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/142888.html

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