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[2] Comment with George Galloway Militarization of London Olympics - 13 July 2012 - English
23m 36s
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[2] Comment with George Galloway Militarization of London Olympics - 13 July 2012 - English
The UK military has been asked to provide some 3,500 extra troops to guard the Olympic Games. The...
[2] Comment with George Galloway Militarization of London Olympics - 13 July 2012 - English
The UK military has been asked to provide some 3,500 extra troops to guard the Olympic Games. The security duties for the event have been contracted in part to the private security firm G4S. But there are fears that the company cannot provide the 13,700 guards it promised to deliver for the venue. More than 23,000 guards as well as British troops, at a cost exceeding 800 million dollars, are to provide security for the upcoming 2012 Olympic Games in Britain.
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