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Cooking Recipe - Mushroom and Potato stuffed Meat Rolls - English
16m 34s
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A delicious mixture of sauted mushrooms and potatoes stuffed in a thin slices of meat and cooked to perfection, a great appetizer or side dish...
2 lbs of very thin slices of meat
A delicious mixture of sauted mushrooms and potatoes stuffed in a thin slices of meat and cooked to perfection, a great appetizer or side dish...
2 lbs of very thin slices of meat
Marinade for the meat
1 tbsp of brown sugar
1 tbsp hoison sauce
11/2 tbsp black vinegar
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp of chilli paste
2 tbsp of soy sauce
1tbsp of sambal
1 tbsp of ginger and garlic
1 tbsp of green chutney
2 lbs of button mushrooms chopped and suated
4 large potatoes boiled
1 large anahime peppers chopped
2 tbsp chopped cilantro
1/2 tsp of citric acid
Marinate the meat for about 20 minutes from the ingredient list and keep aside.
Mix the sauted mushrooms, potatoes, salt, citric acid, and chopped cilantro, make sure and do a taste test to make sure the taste is according to your pallet. Start by filling the meat slices with about a 1 tbsp of the potatoe mixture and roll them up, heat up a pan with about 2 tbsp of olive oil and pan fry the rolls, make sure and cover the pan for about 5 min so they steam on their own, next turn them around and cook until the meat is cooked through. For the sauce
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