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سورة العصر - Commentary On The Holy Quran - The Chapter 103 - English
18m 40s
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The Holy Prophet Muhammad, The Lady Fatima and the twelve infallible Imams A.S. have been chosen from among the greatest signs of Allah. Then, men are in loss, Except those who believe in these...
The Holy Prophet Muhammad, The Lady Fatima and the twelve infallible Imams A.S. have been chosen from among the greatest signs of Allah. Then, men are in loss, Except those who believe in these greatest signs of Allah and their infallibility, guardianship and mission. .....
and enjoin each other with the patience and Constancy – meaning during the longer occultation of Almam AlMahdi Ajtf and thereafter; or during the crises and difficulties resulting from the divine trials; or when being lured by the worldly amusements or when being oppressed by the apparent or hidden enemies, for the reason that they have a lot of faith in vilaya or the guardianship of the Fourteen Infallibles A.S.
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