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***MUST WATCH*** Ken O Keefe - "AMERICA IS THE # 1 TERRORIST" - English

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Added: 24-08-2010
Runtime: 6m 49s
Views: 18293
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Ken o Keefe defining the real 9/11, not the hoax that the American government has put into the hearts of everyone. We should know that 9/11 was a hoax crated by israel and the American government...
Ken o Keefe defining the real 9/11, not the hoax that the American government has put into the hearts of everyone. We should know that 9/11 was a hoax crated by israel and the American government to put fear into the people. America has fed off of Wars. Military Industrial Complex is the backbone of America. Ken O'Keefe grew up in California and was in the U.S. Marines in the 1991 Gulf War. He initiated P10K http://www.P10K.net in 2004 to recruit international observers to live side by side with Palestinians. Humanitarian Peace Activist, Anti-War, Gulf War veteran and survivor of the Mavi Marmara massacre.

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