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The Thematic Commentary On The Holy Quran - 021 - P 01 - The Explicit Mention - English
12m 58s
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if Allah did not appoint an Imam and did not inform the Ummah about him and lifted His messenger from this world then it would only mean that both the religion and Ummah (community) would...
if Allah did not appoint an Imam and did not inform the Ummah about him and lifted His messenger from this world then it would only mean that both the religion and Ummah (community) would remain imperfect and whoever did so has denied Allah, Prophet and Quran and has become a disbeliever (denier), notwithstanding the widely related tradition which is narrated by both Shias and The Ahle Sunnat, that this verse was revealed after the Nass showing the appointment of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) as the Caliph.
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