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VIEWERS DISCRETION ADVISED Gradual Genocide of Shia Muslims - What happened in Chilas? by Nakvisson - Urdu
23m 25s
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[URDU] An interview with a Skardu-based politician and educationalist on the recent atrocity that took place in Chilas. This video is an effort to disseminate information about this massacre while...
[URDU] An interview with a Skardu-based politician and educationalist on the recent atrocity that took place in Chilas. This video is an effort to disseminate information about this massacre while the mainstream Pakistani media is completely silent on this issue. There has been absolutely no reporting of the Shia Muslims' killings by any of the Pakistani news channel or print media. This report contains first-hand information obtained from a source in Skardu who got it directly from the families of those killed in the massacre and the eye witnesses who survived.
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