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Terrorism serious threat to globe - 2Day Conference in Tehran - 15May2011 - English

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Added: 15-05-2011
Runtime: 2m 34s
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The secretary of the International Conference on Global Alliance against Terrorism for a Just Peace (GAATJP) warns of adverse consequences of spreading terrorism, insisting on the serious...
The secretary of the International Conference on Global Alliance against Terrorism for a Just Peace (GAATJP) warns of adverse consequences of spreading terrorism, insisting on the serious threat it poses to the world. “Despite all the progress, human life is exposed to the threats of complicating terrorism and war which have influence on various aspects,” Davoud Ameri said Saturday. He underscored the importance of exchanging information among the elite and public opinion as the way to resolve the issue of terrorism, IRNA reported. “Fight against terrorism will bear fruit only through respecting religions, culture and destiny of human beings,” the GAATJP secretary pointed out. Ameri conveyed the message of peace and friendship of the Iranian nation to the world and expressed hope that the conference would draw a new plan for fighting terrorism. The two-day International Conference on Global Alliance against Terrorism for a Just Peace kicked off in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Saturday with over 100 foreign and 300 local experts attending the summit. Participants engage mainly in exchanging views on ways to uproot terrorism. The theoretical principles of terrorism, the typology of terrorism, coordination of attempts to fight terror, policies adopted by different governments to combat terrorism, real objectives of combating terrorism, as well as terrorist groups, cultural terrorism, cyber-terrorism, media terrorism and the role of media in fighting terror are among main topics on the agenda of the event. Tehran also hosted four exhibitions of posters and caricatures on 'a just peace,' as well as photo exhibitions of the families of victims of terror attacks in Iran and the Middle East ahead of the GAATJP on Friday

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