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*NEW* Documentary - What is Karbala & Ashura - English

added by AliAli
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Added: 13-03-2009
Runtime: 66m 39s
Views: 31111
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Documentary - What is Karbala & Ashura - English. A great documentary about the Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (a.s) and his family (a.s). Why is that we remember that incidence?...
Documentary - What is Karbala & Ashura - English. A great documentary about the Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (a.s) and his family (a.s). Why is that we remember that incidence? What was this about? Why did Imam Hussain (a.s) sacrificed his family and himself? This documentary will answer a lot of the questions people have in their minds. The story of Karbala and Ashura is narrated along with historical facts making it very helpful for kids, non-muslims and new converts to understand Islam in the light of Karbala.

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