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أطیعوا الله و أطیعوا الرسول و اولى الأمر منكم 02 - Despotism And Dictatorship - English

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Added: 14-06-2022
Runtime: 8m 44s
Views: 2353
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#التفسير_الأقوم​​ #دراية_الحديث​​ #تفسير_القرآن​​ #التفقه_و_الإستنباط​​ #التفاسير_الروائية...
#التفسير_الأقوم​​ #دراية_الحديث​​ #تفسير_القرآن​​ #التفقه_و_الإستنباط​​ #التفاسير_الروائية #Commentary_On_The_Holy_Quran #Alaqvam_Commentary The history of mankind is filled with overwhelming stark evidence that religions have at times been hijacked by political leaders in their struggle for power, within and among nations. Today the Muslim ummah, from Indonesia to Morocco is in a quandary, because the theorists who directly or indirectly served the interests of the despotic rulers, have presented\\\" the obedience to ruler\\\" even if he is an usurper, a rogue or a ruffian as a fundamental of religion known as the theory of violence and conquest by misinterpreting this verse. + How can we believe, as Muslims, that the Just, Wise and Almighty Allah has enjoined us to obey unjust, insane and tyrant despot, dictator or monarch?

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