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added by AliAli
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Added: 27-06-2009
Runtime: 8m 52s
Views: 45167
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PREPARE FOR THE FINAL UPRISING OF IMAM MAHDI (a.j) - Urdu Msg English. There was Imam Hussain (as) who stood for the protection of Islam, for the protection of the Values of the...
PREPARE FOR THE FINAL UPRISING OF IMAM MAHDI (a.j) - Urdu Msg English. There was Imam Hussain (as) who stood for the protection of Islam, for the protection of the Values of the Prophet (pbuh). Where are the followers of Imam Hussain (as)? There was Zainab binte Ali (sa), the beloved sister of Imam Hussain (as), who supported Truth even in the most difficult of situations. Where are those followers who will support the movement of Truth without any fear today? There was Abbas ibne Ali (as), the faithful Standard Bearer of Imam Hussain (as). Where are those followers who will take hold of the Banner of Imam Mahdi (atf)? There was Ali Akbar, the beloved son of Imam Hussain (as), whom the Imam (as) sent to the battlefield without any hesitation to fight Evil, and there were Aun and Muhammad, the beloved sons of Zainab binte Ali (sa), whom their mother sent to the battlefield without any hesitation to fight Evil. Where are those fathers and where are those mothers who will send their sons and daughters to aid Imam Mahdi (atf), without any hesitation? And where are those sons and daughters who will go forth in the Way of Allah to protect Islam from its enemies? There is the cry of Hal min Naasirin Yansurna? Where are those followers who will respond to this call? There was the camp of Imam Hussain (as). Where is the camp of Imam Mahdi (atf)? O followers of the oppressed Imam (as), enter the camp of Imam Mahdi (atf).

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