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Children of Gaza - Documentary - Part 2/2 - English
23m 53s
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This documentary focuses on the lives of a few of the children living in that small strip of Palestinian land whose lives were devastated when Israel launched its military attack on their homes,...
This documentary focuses on the lives of a few of the children living in that small strip of Palestinian land whose lives were devastated when Israel launched its military attack on their homes, killing many of their parents and relatives, and shattering their already fragile existences. It shows how they have bravely tried to deal with their losses and bereavements and have tried to move on with their lives, and simultaneously how Israel has ensured that this is well near impossible as a result of the children’s literal incarceration in Gaza due to Israel’s illegal and ongoing siege. The documentary focuses on how they have been struggling to deal with the fallout of their physical injuries as well as their psychological scars which, in all probability, they will never fully recover from. For once, this documentary is an opportunity for the children of Gaza themselves to speak out and to tell their own stories instead of it being told on their behalf by propagandists with a vested interest in how these children are portrayed.
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