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Revolution (al-Ajal Ya Imam)--Song about the need for Wilayat (English) by Jonathan Yusuf Ali

added by jonathanyusuf
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Added: 06-02-2011
Runtime: 5m 33s
Views: 24070
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www.shiasongwriter.net Lyrics below Revolution People fill the streets to take back their dignity. Revolution When the old tyrant’s gone, a new day is won. Revolution Who will they...
www.shiasongwriter.net Lyrics below Revolution People fill the streets to take back their dignity. Revolution When the old tyrant’s gone, a new day is won. Revolution Who will they follow, who’ll take the power tomorrow? Revolution We were born to follow, Who will lead us into tomorrow? We need someone to come, To show us the true meaning of freedom. al-Ajal Ya Imam, al-Ajal Ya Imam Revolution Where will we go? Which way will the wind blow? Revolution Who will lead us? Who won’t try to deceive us? Revolution Who’ll have the authority? Who will be our Wali? Revolution This song was inspired by the recent popular uprisings and revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt.

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