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The Thematic Commentary On The Holy Quran - 062 - Who Are The True Successors Of Allah On The Earth? - English
18m 1s
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In brief, the twelve infallible Imams (A.S.) are the appointed Caliphs or the true successors of Allah on the Earth. Allah wishes to establish them in the Earth and has promised them help....
In brief, the twelve infallible Imams (A.S.) are the appointed Caliphs or the true successors of Allah on the Earth. Allah wishes to establish them in the Earth and has promised them help. Here, we are going to explain some verses of the Holy Quran, which are revealed in praise of the Ghaeime Ale Muhammad. After this Ameerol Momineen Ali (A) in this manner complained about those people that, they usurped his rights, and said that, their repentance is not accepted, and they suffer the chastisement of Allah
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