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The Thematic Commentary On The Holy Quran - 051 - Ocean, pearls and corals = البحر، اللؤلؤ و المرجان - English

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Added: 05-07-2022
Runtime: 5m 30s
Views: 758
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What do denote the words: Ocean, pearls and corals in the holy Quran? Allah, the most high says, in Surat Rahmaan: He has made, the two seas to flow freely, so that, they meet together: Between...
What do denote the words: Ocean, pearls and corals in the holy Quran? Allah, the most high says, in Surat Rahmaan: He has made, the two seas to flow freely, so that, they meet together: Between them is a barrier, which they cannot pass. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny? There come forth from them pearls (lo lo) and corals (marjaan). (55: 19 to 22). مرج البحر یلتقیان بینهما برزخ لا یبغیان فبأی آلاء ربكما تكذبان یخرج منهما اللؤلؤ و المرجان

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