[Audio] - What realy happened in Kofa ? Shahadate Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s) by Agha
Shahadate Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi-What really happened with Muslim Ibn-e-Aqeel (a.s) in Kofa ?
What are...
Shahadate Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi-What really happened with Muslim Ibn-e-Aqeel (a.s) in Kofa ?
What are practical lessons in this event of HazratE-Muslim for us?
What characteristics of Shias of Imam Ali (a.s) stopped them in helping his nephew (Hazrat Muslim ) and son (Imam Hussain a.s)?
What is Kofiism /Tribalism/Community-ism and their roots?
Neither Deen nor Aqaid but Kofa First/Tribe First/Community First
To be Kofi is equal to be Neutral or using only tongue for Islam – protecting his/her materialistic life
Apparently Deendar but Helpless in supporting truth
Feel difficult in backing right people or oppressors
Feel extremely difficult to oppose wrong people
Very good in practicing (ONLY) Namaz / Fasting/ and all Fiqhi matters but perform Amar Bil Maroof as per his/her easiness.
Runtime: 64m:30s
Ghadeer (Complete)- Types of Wilayat and Wilayate Imame Zamana by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi (complete)
# Understand the Hidden Personalities of our Imams
# What is Wilayat?
# What is Miracle?
# What is knowledge?
# Which Wilayat is important for...
# Understand the Hidden Personalities of our Imams
# What is Wilayat?
# What is Miracle?
# What is knowledge?
# Which Wilayat is important for us?
# Which Wilayat is important for others?
# What is Wilayat Tashree?
# What is Wilayat Takvini?
# What is Wilayat Siyasi (Political)?
# what does Shah Waliullah believe and we believe?
# Difference of Shias and Sunnis in Wilayat
# DEENI and MA'ANWI (spiritual)Wilayat
# Effect of Dua's
# Knowledge of Chemistry
# Converting Metal in Gold
# How Christian Priest made clouds to rain?
# How within Physical laws, all materialistic world can be controlled?
# An extract from the speech of Dr. Tahirul Qadri
# Throwing Shoes OR Speaking Kalma-E-Haq?
Runtime: 64m:31s
11th Ramzan 09 Dubai - Types of Knowledge/Sura Sabaa by Agha A.M.Zaidi Complete - Urdu
Knowledge should be followed by Action - Tafseer of Sura Sabaa.
- Types of ilm and the one that is the important one: one that can be translated...
Knowledge should be followed by Action - Tafseer of Sura Sabaa.
- Types of ilm and the one that is the important one: one that can be translated into action.
- ways to acquire ilm: ibrat = 1. Results from actions, leads to baseerat, leads to understanding, leads to ilm. This ilm leads to action. Baseerat can be acquired by looking at our lives.
- sura sabaa (14mins+): barzakh for baseerat.
- urooj us saadah - specially 1st 100 pgs. Habits gives shape to our souls.
- kaafir do not want to accept quran or any other book as their way of action. See results in hereafter.
- should not consider self any better (istikbar), with or without reason. Abuzarr was mustazaf but had izzat and fought agst injustice.
- munafiqeen : always look for excuses.
- kuffaar\'s success should not confuse us - if we r strong in imaan we can stand up agst them. We bow down to their suggestions in sports, fashion, eating, occassions, type of constructions - total lifestyle.
- need to ask for forgiveness for our mistakes and inabilities
Runtime: 51m:8s
[amzaidi.com] 13th Ramzan 09 Dubai - Ethics of Recitation/Tafseer Sura Sabaa - Urdu
Adaab of reciting Quran with emphasis on understanding. Tafseer of Sura Sabaa.
- Half Ramadhan very quick
- Holy Quran recitation adaab: wudhoo,...
Adaab of reciting Quran with emphasis on understanding. Tafseer of Sura Sabaa.
- Half Ramadhan very quick
- Holy Quran recitation adaab: wudhoo, sitting. also meaning. ayats can be categorized - jannat, dauzakh, people who will go to these places. we should pray in these places. hukm: r v obeying?
- sura sabaa (13mins): Kufr mad, firaun after 7 miracles still entered water that was seperated by H Musa.
- Rauzi given to whom he wishes - rules for this made by Allah SWT but who ever works according to it will get rizq. Rule is Infaaq is everlasting and will give rizq, but if haraam earning no use.
- what are we if disconnected from Allah SWT - simply nothing.
- why do ppl not believe? 1) forefather\'s beliefs, were forefathers correct?.
2) call haq as magic.
- bu abusina says no reason, but agrees that the one who has mentioned is beyond doubt.
Runtime: 49m:5s
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[Audio] - How to pray Namaz - AMZ - Urdu
[Audio] - Majlis by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic of HOW TO PRAY NAMAZ at Darussalam Tanzania
[Audio] - Majlis by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic of HOW TO PRAY NAMAZ at Darussalam Tanzania
Runtime: 34m:58s