دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول - H.I Murtaza Zaidi - 28 June 2015 - Urdu
Subject : Dars
Topic : دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول۔ صلحِ امام حسن علیہ السلام کے تناظر میں |...
Subject : Dars
Topic : دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول۔ صلحِ امام حسن علیہ السلام کے تناظر میں | Deeni, Siyasat Aur Bunyadi Usol, Salah Imam Hasan AS Ki Nazar Main
Speaker : H.I Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 28 June 2015
Venue : Bhojani Hall, Karachi
Runtime: 57m:25s
دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول - H.I Murtaza Zaidi - 29 June 2015 - Urdu
Subject : Dars
Topic : دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول۔ صلحِ امام حسن علیہ السلام کے تناظر میں |...
Subject : Dars
Topic : دینی سیاست اور بنیادی اصول۔ صلحِ امام حسن علیہ السلام کے تناظر میں | Deeni, Siyasat Aur Bunyadi Usol, Salah Imam Hasan AS Ki Nazar Main
Speaker : H.I Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 29 June 2015
Venue : Bhojani Hall, Karachi
Runtime: 92m:8s
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2369 days ago
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فکرِ خمينی اسلام کا دفاع Part 3 Defense of Islam by Ideology of Ayatullah Khomenei (Seminar)
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam,...
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam, Rehabr Khamnie and Ahmedineejad Personalities. Thanks to the Nasiran e Imam (Karachi). Banu Ummia sahjre mumnoah mumnooa
Runtime: 37m:0s
فکرِ خمينی اسلام کا دفاع Part 2 Defence of Islam by Ideology of Ayatullah Khomenei (Seminar)
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam,...
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam, Rehabr Khamnie and Ahmedineejad Personalities. Thanks to the Nasiran e Imam (Karachi). Banu Ummia sahjre mumnoah mumnooa
Runtime: 40m:23s
[Audio] - Must listen-امام جعفر صادق ع Imam Jaffer Sadiq (a.s) Planning & Strategy by AMZ - Ur
free market capitalism banks education strategy final option asking solution amz ali murtaza zaidi karachi 2008 imam jaffer jafer sadiq as maktab e...
free market capitalism banks education strategy final option asking solution amz ali murtaza zaidi karachi 2008 imam jaffer jafer sadiq as maktab e ahlulbait lessons for new generation computer managament it superman in Islam
Runtime: 70m:44s
Must Watch - AMZ - Imam Reza AS - Oslo - Norway - Part 1 - Urdu
The first few minutes of the speech could not be recorded due to some problems. However this is a great speech which must be watched by all the...
The first few minutes of the speech could not be recorded due to some problems. However this is a great speech which must be watched by all the Muslims in the west. The eve of the birthday of Imam Ali Reza AS was alhamdolillah jointly celebrated by all the Urdu speaking centres in Oslo Norway.
Runtime: 42m:18s
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5610 days ago
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