Presentation by Brother Shabbir Raza - Seminar on Islamic Concept of an Ideal Residential Project - 10Mar12 - Urdu
Hadi Builders & Developers organizing a Seminar on
"Islamic Concept of an Ideal Residential Project"
10th Mar 2012, 8pm
Hadi Builders & Developers organizing a Seminar on
"Islamic Concept of an Ideal Residential Project"
10th Mar 2012, 8pm
at Hemeed Bhojani Hall,
Soldier Bazar, Karachi
Speeches by:
* Professor Zahid Ali Zahidi
* Presentation by Mr. Shabbir (Gulistan Cooperative Housing Society, Super Highway)
* Special Briefing from Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi regarding Mehdia City and Al-Muntazar Garden
Chief Guest Maulana Haider Abbas Abidi and Mr. Anzar Zaidi
Ali Mujtaba
Runtime: 19m:16s
[1] Seminar: Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies - Urdu
An Exclusive Urdu Seminar on the topic of Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies held at Islamic Centre of England London on...
An Exclusive Urdu Seminar on the topic of Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies held at Islamic Centre of England London on 29th April 2012.
Guest Speaker: H.I.W.M Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi (Karachi)
Runtime: 57m:51s
[2] Seminar: Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies - Urdu
An Exclusive Urdu Seminar on the topic of Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies held at Islamic Centre of England London on...
An Exclusive Urdu Seminar on the topic of Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies held at Islamic Centre of England London on 29th April 2012.
Guest Speaker: H.I.W.M Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi (Karachi)
Runtime: 84m:2s
SMS Revolution 2, By Molana Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Runtime: 3m:46s
[24th Demise Anniversary Imam Khomaini Karachi] [1 June 2013] Speech H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
24th Demise Anniversary Imam Khomaini
Central Program
Organized by ISO, MWM, Asgharia, Nasirane Imam, IO
1 June 2013
Britto Road, Karachi
24th Demise Anniversary Imam Khomaini
Central Program
Organized by ISO, MWM, Asgharia, Nasirane Imam, IO
1 June 2013
Britto Road, Karachi
Runtime: 30m:42s
( Not yet rated )
4034 days ago
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شبِ نیمہ شعبان ، کیا دعا مانگیں ؟ - Urdu
شبِ نیمہ شعبان ، کیا دعا مانگیں ؟ - Urdu
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
شبِ نیمہ شعبان ، کیا دعا مانگیں ؟ - Urdu
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
Shab-e-Naima Shaban, Kia Dua Mange
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Runtime: 18m:51s
[01] قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi - 1438/2016 - Urdu
Ashara Majalis 1438 Held at Islamic Research Center Karachi
Discussing the Topic of قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی اسلامی...
Ashara Majalis 1438 Held at Islamic Research Center Karachi
Discussing the Topic of قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی اسلامی تعلیمات کی نظر میں
02 November 2016 - 01 Safar 1438
Runtime: 55m:1s
[02] قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi - 1438/2016 - Urdu
Ashara Majalis 1438 Held at Islamic Research Center Karachi
Discussing the Topic of قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی تعلیمات...
Ashara Majalis 1438 Held at Islamic Research Center Karachi
Discussing the Topic of قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی تعلیمات اسلامی کی نظر میں
03 November 2016 - 02 Safar 1438
Runtime: 50m:8s
[03] قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi - 1438/2016 - Urdu
Ashara Majalis 1438 Held at Islamic Research Center Karachi
Discussing the Topic of قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی تعلیمات...
Ashara Majalis 1438 Held at Islamic Research Center Karachi
Discussing the Topic of قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی تعلیمات اسلامی کی نظر میں
04 November 2016 - 03 Safar 1438
Runtime: 64m:7s
[04] قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi - 1438/2016 - Urdu
Ashara Majalis 1438 Held at Islamic Research Center Karachi
Discussing the Topic of قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی تعلیمات...
Ashara Majalis 1438 Held at Islamic Research Center Karachi
Discussing the Topic of قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی تعلیمات اسلامی کی نظر میں
05 November 2016 - 04 Safar 1438
Runtime: 56m:22s
[05] قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi - 1438/2016 - Urdu
Ashara Majalis 1438 Held at Islamic Research Center Karachi
Discussing the Topic of قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی تعلیمات...
Ashara Majalis 1438 Held at Islamic Research Center Karachi
Discussing the Topic of قوموں کی ترقی و پسماندگی تعلیمات اسلامی کی نظر میں
06 November 2016 - 05 Safar 1438
Runtime: 50m:31s