Must Watch - AMZ - Imam Reza AS - Oslo - Norway - Part 1 - Urdu
The first few minutes of the speech could not be recorded due to some problems. However this is a great speech which must be watched by all the...
The first few minutes of the speech could not be recorded due to some problems. However this is a great speech which must be watched by all the Muslims in the west. The eve of the birthday of Imam Ali Reza AS was alhamdolillah jointly celebrated by all the Urdu speaking centres in Oslo Norway.
Runtime: 42m:18s
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5576 days ago
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[Annual Workshop] Q&A Session | Responsibility of Zakireen Imam e Hussain (as) - Urdu & English
[Annual Workshop] Q&A Session | Topic: Responsibility of Zakireen Imam e Hussain (as) - Urdu&English
H.I Agha Ali...
[Annual Workshop] Q&A Session | Topic: Responsibility of Zakireen Imam e Hussain (as) - Urdu&English
H.I Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi
H.I Molana Syed Zaki Baqri
H.I Sheikh Salim Yusuf Ali (English)
Masumeen Islamic Centre, Canada - 20 August 2016
Runtime: 40m:44s
[Short Clip] کراچی کے موجودہ حالات کے متعلق اہم تجزیہ - Urdu
[Short Clip] سوشل میڈیا پر پھیلایا جانے والا منفی پروپیگنڈا اور کراچی کے موجودہ حالات...
[Short Clip] سوشل میڈیا پر پھیلایا جانے والا منفی پروپیگنڈا اور کراچی کے موجودہ حالات کے متعلق اہم تجزیہ- Urdu
حجۃ الالسلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
Runtime: 11m:59s