Enemies Conspiracies Against AZADARI - By AMZ - URDU
A MUST LISTEN Speech by Maulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the conspiracies against Azadari focusing especially on Pakistan - Urdu
A MUST LISTEN Speech by Maulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the conspiracies against Azadari focusing especially on Pakistan - Urdu
Runtime: 48m:5s
[01] Ghadir Se Zahoor-e-Imam Tak - Moharram 2006 - AMZ -Urdu
This is an 8-day Ashra of the year 2006 by Maulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi title Ghadir se Imam Ke Zahoor Tak. Day 4 will not be uploaded due to bad Audio.
This is an 8-day Ashra of the year 2006 by Maulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi title Ghadir se Imam Ke Zahoor Tak. Day 4 will not be uploaded due to bad Audio.
Runtime: 64m:10s
Ghadeer (Complete)- Types of Wilayat and Wilayate Imame Zamana by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi (complete)
# Understand the Hidden Personalities of our Imams
# What is Wilayat?
# What is Miracle?
# What is knowledge?
# Which Wilayat is important for...
# Understand the Hidden Personalities of our Imams
# What is Wilayat?
# What is Miracle?
# What is knowledge?
# Which Wilayat is important for us?
# Which Wilayat is important for others?
# What is Wilayat Tashree?
# What is Wilayat Takvini?
# What is Wilayat Siyasi (Political)?
# what does Shah Waliullah believe and we believe?
# Difference of Shias and Sunnis in Wilayat
# DEENI and MA'ANWI (spiritual)Wilayat
# Effect of Dua's
# Knowledge of Chemistry
# Converting Metal in Gold
# How Christian Priest made clouds to rain?
# How within Physical laws, all materialistic world can be controlled?
# An extract from the speech of Dr. Tahirul Qadri
# Throwing Shoes OR Speaking Kalma-E-Haq?
Runtime: 64m:31s
24th Ramazan 09 - 14th Barsi of Shaheed Hamid Ali Bhojani - AMZ - Urdu
Lecture delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 14th anniversary of martyrdom of Shaheed Hamid Ali Bhojani and other martyrs of Mehfil e...
Lecture delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on 14th anniversary of martyrdom of Shaheed Hamid Ali Bhojani and other martyrs of Mehfil e Murtaza Karachi
Runtime: 44m:53s
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5551 days ago
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( Not yet rated )
5550 days ago
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02 Muharam - Karbala Nusrate Imamat ki darsgah - Urdu
A series of thought provoking lectures by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi from Kenya for the servants of Imam Mehdi (a.s)
A series of thought provoking lectures by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi from Kenya for the servants of Imam Mehdi (a.s)
Runtime: 51m:15s