Shab e Ashoor By H.I.Ali Murtaza Zaidi 6 Dec 2011 - Urdu
Imam Hussain koon si qoom ki tashkeel dayna chatay thay.
Shab e Ashoor ki Majlis at Islamic Centre of England, London.
Imam Hussain koon si qoom ki tashkeel dayna chatay thay.
Shab e Ashoor ki Majlis at Islamic Centre of England, London.
Runtime: 64m:21s
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[1/2] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - قوم کی تشکیل اور سنت نبوی - Jan 16 2013 - Urdu
Majlis 1
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of creation of Ummat (nation) in the light of...
Majlis 1
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of creation of Ummat (nation) in the light of Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (s).
Venue : Jama Masjid Noor Iman, Nazimabad Karachi
Date : 3 Rabiul Awwal 1434, 16 January 2013
Runtime: 53m:12s
[2/2] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - قوم کی تشکیل اور سنت نبوی - Jan 16 2013 - Urdu
Majlis 2
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of creation of Ummat (nation) in the light of...
Majlis 2
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of creation of Ummat (nation) in the light of Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (s).
Venue : Jama Masjid Noor Iman, Nazimabad Karachi
Date : 5 Rabiul Awwal 1434, 18 January 2013
Runtime: 66m:56s
Seminar on Near Future-Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi 2007 urdu
A must listen seminar on topic Iran against America Godly power against evil power by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi in islamabad pakistan 2007
A must listen seminar on topic Iran against America Godly power against evil power by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi in islamabad pakistan 2007
Runtime: 79m:10s
Q & A with Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi @ Muslim Community Hall Ilford London - Urdu
A short lecture followed by Q & A session held @ Muslim community Hall Ilford London on 26th May 2012. The lecture was delivered by H.I.W.M...
A short lecture followed by Q & A session held @ Muslim community Hall Ilford London on 26th May 2012. The lecture was delivered by H.I.W.M SYED ALI MURTAZA ZAIDI who is a prominent religious scholar based in Karachi (Pak). He got his religious education from Qum (Iran) and studied M.Phill in Political Sciences . This programme includes different types of Questions related to Education, Politics, Commerce, IT, Energy and Power shortage in Pakistan and global financial crisis etc.
Runtime: 93m:28s
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2484 days ago
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[must watch] Islamic Concept of Education - AMZ - Urdu
Lecture delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic of ISLAMIC CONCEPT OF EDUCATION. This lecture was part of teachers training week...
Lecture delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic of ISLAMIC CONCEPT OF EDUCATION. This lecture was part of teachers training week of teachers of Fatimiyah Education Network. This lecture was delivered in 2 sessions (on same day) on 30 July 2010
Runtime: 92m:48s
[01] H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Majlis in Dharna at Numaesh Chorangi - 15 Dec 2012 - Urdu
Speaker : Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Majlis 1
date : 1 Safar 1434 - 15 December 2012
Topic : امت کی بنیادی مشکلات،...
Speaker : Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Majlis 1
date : 1 Safar 1434 - 15 December 2012
Topic : امت کی بنیادی مشکلات، قرآن و سنت کی روشنی میں Ummat ki bunyadi Mushkilaat quran-o Sunnat ki roshni me
Venue : Dharna at Numaesh Chorangi - Karachi
Runtime: 77m:48s