Khuda Joi Quran Ki Roshni Main - 3rd Ramadhan 1431 - 2010 - AMZ - Urdu
Lecture delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic KHUDA JOI QURAN KI ROSHNI MAIN on 3rd Ramazan 1431H at Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani...
Lecture delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic KHUDA JOI QURAN KI ROSHNI MAIN on 3rd Ramazan 1431H at Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall, Karachi, Pakistan.
Runtime: 68m:5s
[Audio] - NahajulBalaghah - Lecture No. 3 - Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Day 3 of lecture series on Nahajul Balaghah by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi-AMZ. Agha started the lecture by describing the application of the Khutbaat...
Day 3 of lecture series on Nahajul Balaghah by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi-AMZ. Agha started the lecture by describing the application of the Khutbaat of Ameerul Momineen AS on all nations and eras as his message is for the spirit of humanity. In this lecture Agha talked about the importance of honesty and character building in the light of Moula Ali sermons. He also spoke about the fact that how Satan attacks human beings at different levels. 18 April 2008
Runtime: 53m:15s
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6121 days ago
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[Audio] - Deendari Ki Nishani -Speech by Ali Murtaza Zaidi -May08-Urdu
This is a recent speech by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered in Lahore. The main topic of discussion was to identify a standard through which one...
This is a recent speech by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered in Lahore. The main topic of discussion was to identify a standard through which one can find out if he or she is on the right path. Agha explored various signs that one might possess though they might not necessarily reflect if person is truly religious or deendar. The essence of discussion was that one who is a true religious person or follower of Ahlul Bait AS performs each and every deed for the sake of God.
Runtime: 55m:23s
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6113 days ago
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6032 days ago
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Majlis 2 - Shahadat Bibi Zehra sa - Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
3 majalis held on the occasion of shahadat of Bibi Fatima Zehra sa Actual flags of shrines of Imam Hussain as and Hazrat Abbas as were presented in...
3 majalis held on the occasion of shahadat of Bibi Fatima Zehra sa Actual flags of shrines of Imam Hussain as and Hazrat Abbas as were presented in front of momineen for ziarat in this majlis
Runtime: 49m:17s
[must watch] Islamic Concept of Education - AMZ - Urdu
Lecture delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic of ISLAMIC CONCEPT OF EDUCATION. This lecture was part of teachers training week...
Lecture delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic of ISLAMIC CONCEPT OF EDUCATION. This lecture was part of teachers training week of teachers of Fatimiyah Education Network. This lecture was delivered in 2 sessions (on same day) on 30 July 2010
Runtime: 92m:48s
Speech - Eid e Ghadeer 1432 - 2011 - AMZ - Urdu
Speech delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on occasion of Jashne Eide Ghadeer 1432 H or November 2011
Speech delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on occasion of Jashne Eide Ghadeer 1432 H or November 2011
Runtime: 47m:53s
Ghadeer (Complete)- Types of Wilayat and Wilayate Imame Zamana by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi (complete)
# Understand the Hidden Personalities of our Imams
# What is Wilayat?
# What is Miracle?
# What is knowledge?
# Which Wilayat is important for...
# Understand the Hidden Personalities of our Imams
# What is Wilayat?
# What is Miracle?
# What is knowledge?
# Which Wilayat is important for us?
# Which Wilayat is important for others?
# What is Wilayat Tashree?
# What is Wilayat Takvini?
# What is Wilayat Siyasi (Political)?
# what does Shah Waliullah believe and we believe?
# Difference of Shias and Sunnis in Wilayat
# DEENI and MA'ANWI (spiritual)Wilayat
# Effect of Dua's
# Knowledge of Chemistry
# Converting Metal in Gold
# How Christian Priest made clouds to rain?
# How within Physical laws, all materialistic world can be controlled?
# An extract from the speech of Dr. Tahirul Qadri
# Throwing Shoes OR Speaking Kalma-E-Haq?
Runtime: 64m:31s