فکرِ خمينی اسلام کا دفاع Part 4 Defence of Islam by Ideology of Ayatullah Khomenei (Seminar)
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam,...
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam, Rehabr Khamnie and Ahmedineejad Personalities. Thanks to the Nasiran e Imam (Karachi). Banu Ummia sahjre mumnoah mumnooa
Runtime: 42m:42s
فکرِ خمينی اسلام کا دفاع Part 1 Defense of Islam by the Ideology of Ayatullah Khomenei (Seminar
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam,...
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam, Rehabr Khamnie and Ahmedineejad Personalities. Thanks to the Nasiran e Imam (Karachi). Banu Ummia sahjre mumnoah mumnooa
Runtime: 36m:1s
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6036 days ago
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Must Watch Seminar - Affiliation of Shia schools with Aga Khan Examination Board Part 3 - Urdu
A seminar was organized by youth of KPSIAJ Karachi on the topic "Affiliation of SHIA schools in AKUEB?" with the aim of generating...
A seminar was organized by youth of KPSIAJ Karachi on the topic "Affiliation of SHIA schools in AKUEB?" with the aim of generating awareness in the community regarding AKUEB. Speakers in the seminar were Aga Zahid Ali Zahidi, Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi, Moulana Shabbir Maisami. This part contains speech of Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi.
Runtime: 24m:28s
Must Watch Seminar- Affiliation of Shia schools with Aga Khan Examination Board Part 2 -Urdu
A seminar was organized by youth of KPSIAJ Karachi on the topic "Affiliation of SHIA schools in AKUEB?" with the aim of generating...
A seminar was organized by youth of KPSIAJ Karachi on the topic "Affiliation of SHIA schools in AKUEB?" with the aim of generating awareness in the community regarding AKUEB. Speakers in the seminar were Aga Zahid Ali Zahidi, Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi-AMZ-, Moulana Shabbir Maisami. This part contains Q/A session of Aga Zahid Ali Zahidi
Runtime: 11m:46s
(1)دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of
1st Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main...
1st Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main Wilayat-e-Ahlebait (a.s) aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian
10 Majalis on the topic Dore Hazir main Wilayate Ahlebait as aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi – Urdu
Runtime: 57m:33s
(2)دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of
2nd Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main...
2nd Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main Wilayat-e-Ahlebait (a.s) aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian
10 Majalis on the topic Dore Hazir main Wilayate Ahlebait as aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi - Urdu
Runtime: 62m:3s