8th Dua-E-Ramazan 2007-Tafseer-Urdu-Dubai
Let me have mercy on orphans,
Feed hungry,
spread peace,
company of noble minded,
o shelter of the hopeful!
God has ordered the powerful...
Let me have mercy on orphans,
Feed hungry,
spread peace,
company of noble minded,
o shelter of the hopeful!
God has ordered the powerful people of the society to take responsibility for the weak,esp those who are orphans
One who helps an orphan actually does it only for God,as an orphan is the helpless one and you get nothing in return ,,
Hadith:if someone put his hand on the head of the orphan with mercy,he gets the hasanat(rewards) comparable to the number of hairs that were covered!
Let me have the capablity to feed the people;
Most deserving are those who are not well fed already,if you dont get any such people deserving,look beyond your vicinity,,the point is not just feeding,but give a helping hand to those who are deprived,,
Make sure,that you are in the company with such pepople who are deprived,,
Todays world despite of having the best means of communications ever, has invented extreme ignorance among people personal affairs,,one who is rich,is not aware of the those who are sufferers,and those suffering, find them alone ,,,
when quran praises Alh ul Bait ,of their giving food in the way of God,,He says that they give sincerely in the way of God and expect nothing in return,,,
Let me spread peace,,
one of the greatness of the religion that it brings people closer thru the greeting of peace,,religion asks you to say salams to one another and say it with heart,,desire really from the botom of the heart that you really want to give somthing good to the other person,,let it not be only a ritual,,,rather make it really a live gift,,
Let me have the company of the who have great will power,
,,one who feels pleasure in carrying out the commands,,does not falls back,,
Imam Ali says if you sit with such peple you will learn greatness and they will be helpful as well,,
Once when we are thinking for the company of our kids ,this should be bore in mind as well,,,give them good company,,
sometimes we feel pleasure with those who are not very practicing,,but at the same time we say we want good company,,this means that we are decieving ourselves,,
it is the greatness of such great will- powered people,,that they will turn you same like them,,
If you wnat to chk your standards of your ethical status,,see your company,,,
O shelter of teh hopeful!!
Runtime: 15m:39s
9th Dua-E-Ramazan 2007-Tafseer-Urdu-Dubai
O Lord! grant me in this day from your widespread rehmats
Guide me towards clear arguments(dalail)
Drag me by pulling me thru my forehead...
O Lord! grant me in this day from your widespread rehmats
Guide me towards clear arguments(dalail)
Drag me by pulling me thru my forehead towards your complete satisfaction/obedience
for the sake of your love,O shelter of the desperate people!!
A stretegy is given here for what are things that you should get in this month
There are many people who are getiing refuge from hellfire in this month,many getting different rehmat in this month,,oh Lord when your rehma are generally being given to everyone,grant me some as well,,ofcourse here the main rehamt asked is the from the spirituality,,
Guide me towards your Dalail:This whole world,,is an ayat of Allah,,all of us know,,many satellites in a galaxy come between other galaxies of many satellites and stars,,and nothing goies wrong,,Ahl Bait plus Quran are clear dalleel of God,,Out of all these ayaats,,grant me o Lord that i understand these clearly,,,otherwise many times it happens Hujat E Khuda is right in front of them but people dont see him at all,,Event of Kerbala is one of its example,,help me towards acknowleding your ayaats clearly,,
Many people strive hard in the world,,spend their lives with hardship and continuous efforts,,but when they draw near death,,they realize that whatever they had been doing has no value at all,,all that i did was for this world which i will be departing from,soon,,,
And even if i am disobedient,,drag me thru my forehead towards your complete obedience:sometime a person gets addicted,,now he wants to get rid of it but cant do it,so allows the caregivers to do whatever way by restraining me get me out of it,,,likewise o Lord,,we are indulged but we realize that salvation lies in your obedience,,so pull me yourself towards You
Although this guidance towards God's obedience is not one sided,,rather we are supposed to do our part,,not just praying,,God has made this world on the principle of freedom of action,,no body is bound to do ,,,otherwise God would forcibly stop the oppressors from oppression and forcibly take people towards good deeds,,but the fact is He has given us the freedom,,
So when one prays here that O Lord guide me towards your obedience,this means provide me with the resources that take me towards your obedience,,for example put the love of Quran in my heart,or grant me with the love of Alh Lul Bait,,or grant me the hatred for the enemies so that i never feel pleasure in their company,,,
For the sake of your Love:Creator of moms love is our Lord,,for those who are desperate like the Aarif people,,let us know the pleasure of your love,,
Seek God's love in your fasts,,prostrate for longer duration,,May Allah accept our deeds,,and inshAllah please our Present Imam(ameen)
Runtime: 15m:53s
Ramazan 2 - Tafseer Sura - e - Muzzammil - Urdu - AMZ
Ramazan 2 - Tafseer Sura - e - Muzzammil - Urdu - AMZ
Venue : Anjuman e Khuddam ul Quran, Kharadar, Karachi
Ramazan 2 - Tafseer Sura - e - Muzzammil - Urdu - AMZ
Venue : Anjuman e Khuddam ul Quran, Kharadar, Karachi
Runtime: 51m:52s
Ramazan 3 - Tafseer Sura - e - Muzzammil - Urdu - AMZ
Ramazan 3 - Tafseer Sura - e - Muzzammil - Urdu - AMZ Venue : Anjuman e Khuddam ul Quran, Kharadar, Karachi
Ramazan 3 - Tafseer Sura - e - Muzzammil - Urdu - AMZ Venue : Anjuman e Khuddam ul Quran, Kharadar, Karachi
Runtime: 36m:0s
Ramazan 5 - Tafseer Sura - e - Muzzammil - Urdu - AMZ
Ramazan 5 - Tafseer Sura - e - Muzzammil - Urdu - AMZ
Note : Ending part of the lecture is missing from the recording. Apologies for that.
Ramazan 5 - Tafseer Sura - e - Muzzammil - Urdu - AMZ
Note : Ending part of the lecture is missing from the recording. Apologies for that.
Runtime: 51m:18s
🎦 Maahe Ramzan | Pahle Din Ki Dua | Mukhtasir Tarjuma Wa Tafseer | Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Urdu
🎦 ماہِ رمضان | پہلے دن کی دعا | مختصر ترجمہ و تفسیر | مولانا سید علی مرتضٰی زیدی...
🎦 ماہِ رمضان | پہلے دن کی دعا | مختصر ترجمہ و تفسیر | مولانا سید علی مرتضٰی زیدی
ماہِ رمضان کی روزانہ کی دعاوں میں سے پہلے دن کی دعا اردو ترجمے و تفسیر کے ساتھ سننے اور پڑھنے کے لیے ملاحظہ کیجیے یہ مختصر کلپ۔
انقلابی میڈیا (خالص محمدی اسلام کی ترویج و فروغ)
#ویڈیو #کلپ #روزانہ_کی_دعا #ذمہ_داری #مختصر_ترجمہ_تفسیر #مولانا_سید_علی_مرتضی_زیدی #رمضان #انسان_سازی #فرصت #انقلاب #انقلابی #انقلابی_میڈیا #خالص_محمدی_اسلام
Runtime: 16m:45s
25th Din Ki Dua | Mukhtasir Tarjuma Wa Tafseer | Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Urdu
🎦 ماہِ رمضان | پچیسویں دن کی دعا | مختصر ترجمہ و تفسیر | مولانا سید علی مرتضٰی...
🎦 ماہِ رمضان | پچیسویں دن کی دعا | مختصر ترجمہ و تفسیر | مولانا سید علی مرتضٰی زیدی
ماہِ رمضان کی روزانہ کی دعاوں میں سے پچیسویں دن کی دعا اردو ترجمے و تفسیر کے ساتھ سننے اور پڑھنے کے لیے ملاحظہ کیجیے یہ مختصر کلپ۔
انقلابی میڈیا (خالص محمدی اسلام کی ترویج و فروغ)
#ویڈیو #کلپ #روزانہ_کی_دعا #ذمہ_داری #مختصر_ترجمہ_تفسیر #مولانا_سید_علی_مرتضی_زیدی #رمضان #انسان_سازی #فرصت #انقلاب #انقلابی #انقلابی_میڈیا #خالص_محمدی_اسلام
Runtime: 15m:20s
( Not yet rated )
1035 days ago
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26th Din Ki Dua | Mukhtasir Tarjuma Wa Tafseer | Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Urdu
🎦 ماہِ رمضان | چھبیسویں دن کی دعا | مختصر ترجمہ و تفسیر | مولانا سید علی مرتضٰی...
🎦 ماہِ رمضان | چھبیسویں دن کی دعا | مختصر ترجمہ و تفسیر | مولانا سید علی مرتضٰی زیدی
ماہِ رمضان کی روزانہ کی دعاوں میں سے چھبیسویں دن کی دعا اردو ترجمے و تفسیر کے ساتھ سننے اور پڑھنے کے لیے ملاحظہ کیجیے یہ مختصر کلپ۔
انقلابی میڈیا (خالص محمدی اسلام کی ترویج و فروغ)
#ویڈیو #کلپ #روزانہ_کی_دعا #ذمہ_داری #مختصر_ترجمہ_تفسیر #مولانا_سید_علی_مرتضی_زیدی #رمضان #انسان_سازی #فرصت #انقلاب #انقلابی #انقلابی_میڈیا #خالص_محمدی_اسلام
Runtime: 15m:21s
( Not yet rated )
1035 days ago
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[amzaidi.com] 13th Ramzan 09 Dubai - Ethics of Recitation/Tafseer Sura Sabaa - Urdu
Adaab of reciting Quran with emphasis on understanding. Tafseer of Sura Sabaa.
- Half Ramadhan very quick
- Holy Quran recitation adaab: wudhoo,...
Adaab of reciting Quran with emphasis on understanding. Tafseer of Sura Sabaa.
- Half Ramadhan very quick
- Holy Quran recitation adaab: wudhoo, sitting. also meaning. ayats can be categorized - jannat, dauzakh, people who will go to these places. we should pray in these places. hukm: r v obeying?
- sura sabaa (13mins): Kufr mad, firaun after 7 miracles still entered water that was seperated by H Musa.
- Rauzi given to whom he wishes - rules for this made by Allah SWT but who ever works according to it will get rizq. Rule is Infaaq is everlasting and will give rizq, but if haraam earning no use.
- what are we if disconnected from Allah SWT - simply nothing.
- why do ppl not believe? 1) forefather\'s beliefs, were forefathers correct?.
2) call haq as magic.
- bu abusina says no reason, but agrees that the one who has mentioned is beyond doubt.
Runtime: 49m:5s
[Tazeyati Jalsa wa Shab-e-Dua] H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - 04 Feb 2016 - Urdu
Tazeyati Jalsa wa Shab-e-Dua
Bulandiye Darjat Shuhada wa Asiraan Millat e Jafferiya
Speaker : H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 04 Feb 2016...
Tazeyati Jalsa wa Shab-e-Dua
Bulandiye Darjat Shuhada wa Asiraan Millat e Jafferiya
Speaker : H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 04 Feb 2016
Venue : IRC Ismlamic Research Center, Karachi
Runtime: 29m:51s
[3] Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Safar 1442 | Urdu
Majlis 03 | 3th Safar 1442
Topic: Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May
موضوع: تہذیب نفس ، دعائے...
Majlis 03 | 3th Safar 1442
Topic: Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May
موضوع: تہذیب نفس ، دعائے مکارم اخلاق کی روشنی میں
Speaker: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
Venue: Bhojani Hall, Soldier Bazar, Karachi
بمقام: بھوجانی ہال ، سولجر بازار - کراچی
Date: 21 September 2020
Runtime: 52m:16s
[4] Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Safar 1442 | Urdu
Majlis 04 | 4th Safar 1442
Topic: Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May
موضوع: تہذیب نفس ، دعائے...
Majlis 04 | 4th Safar 1442
Topic: Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May
موضوع: تہذیب نفس ، دعائے مکارم اخلاق کی روشنی میں
Speaker: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
Venue: Bhojani Hall, Soldier Bazar, Karachi
بمقام: بھوجانی ہال ، سولجر بازار - کراچی
Date: 22 September 2020
Runtime: 59m:38s
[5] Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Safar 1442 | Urdu
Majlis 05 | 5th Safar 1442
Topic: Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May
موضوع: تہذیب نفس ، دعائے...
Majlis 05 | 5th Safar 1442
Topic: Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May
موضوع: تہذیب نفس ، دعائے مکارم اخلاق کی روشنی میں
Speaker: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
Venue: Bhojani Hall, Soldier Bazar, Karachi
بمقام: بھوجانی ہال ، سولجر بازار - کراچی
Date: 23 September 2020
Runtime: 46m:53s