9th Dua-E-Ramazan 2007-Tafseer-Urdu-Dubai
O Lord! grant me in this day from your widespread rehmats
Guide me towards clear arguments(dalail)
Drag me by pulling me thru my forehead...
O Lord! grant me in this day from your widespread rehmats
Guide me towards clear arguments(dalail)
Drag me by pulling me thru my forehead towards your complete satisfaction/obedience
for the sake of your love,O shelter of the desperate people!!
A stretegy is given here for what are things that you should get in this month
There are many people who are getiing refuge from hellfire in this month,many getting different rehmat in this month,,oh Lord when your rehma are generally being given to everyone,grant me some as well,,ofcourse here the main rehamt asked is the from the spirituality,,
Guide me towards your Dalail:This whole world,,is an ayat of Allah,,all of us know,,many satellites in a galaxy come between other galaxies of many satellites and stars,,and nothing goies wrong,,Ahl Bait plus Quran are clear dalleel of God,,Out of all these ayaats,,grant me o Lord that i understand these clearly,,,otherwise many times it happens Hujat E Khuda is right in front of them but people dont see him at all,,Event of Kerbala is one of its example,,help me towards acknowleding your ayaats clearly,,
Many people strive hard in the world,,spend their lives with hardship and continuous efforts,,but when they draw near death,,they realize that whatever they had been doing has no value at all,,all that i did was for this world which i will be departing from,soon,,,
And even if i am disobedient,,drag me thru my forehead towards your complete obedience:sometime a person gets addicted,,now he wants to get rid of it but cant do it,so allows the caregivers to do whatever way by restraining me get me out of it,,,likewise o Lord,,we are indulged but we realize that salvation lies in your obedience,,so pull me yourself towards You
Although this guidance towards God's obedience is not one sided,,rather we are supposed to do our part,,not just praying,,God has made this world on the principle of freedom of action,,no body is bound to do ,,,otherwise God would forcibly stop the oppressors from oppression and forcibly take people towards good deeds,,but the fact is He has given us the freedom,,
So when one prays here that O Lord guide me towards your obedience,this means provide me with the resources that take me towards your obedience,,for example put the love of Quran in my heart,or grant me with the love of Alh Lul Bait,,or grant me the hatred for the enemies so that i never feel pleasure in their company,,,
For the sake of your Love:Creator of moms love is our Lord,,for those who are desperate like the Aarif people,,let us know the pleasure of your love,,
Seek God's love in your fasts,,prostrate for longer duration,,May Allah accept our deeds,,and inshAllah please our Present Imam(ameen)
Runtime: 15m:53s
Marfat-e-Imam (as) / معرفت امام ۴ [Urdu]
معرفت امام (ع) نہ ہونے کی سزا۔ اور معرفت امام (ع) سے کیا مراد ہے ۔
آغا سید...
معرفت امام (ع) نہ ہونے کی سزا۔ اور معرفت امام (ع) سے کیا مراد ہے ۔
آغا سید علی مرتضٰی زیدی کی ایک اہم تقریر۔
اللھم عجل ولیک الفرج
Runtime: 14m:7s
ولادت یا ظہور Wiladat OR Zahoor? - AMZ - Urdu
Question whether using the word wiladat is acceptable for Imams.
Shia-Shia Unity is important. Please educate ourselves and others.
Question whether using the word wiladat is acceptable for Imams.
Shia-Shia Unity is important. Please educate ourselves and others.
Runtime: 9m:45s
[Internet Address] 3rd Annual Workshop for Zakiraat - Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi - November 2010 1432 - Urdu
This is an annual workshop organized for Zakiraat as part of preparation of upcoming Muharram (Ayam-e-Aza). The sessions was attended by dozens of...
This is an annual workshop organized for Zakiraat as part of preparation of upcoming Muharram (Ayam-e-Aza). The sessions was attended by dozens of lady speakers from Toronto. A good number of listeners joined it online. Brother Agha addressed the zakiraat over the Internet from Pakistan.
Runtime: 36m:19s
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5201 days ago
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Jashan e Eid e Zehra a.s | H.I Molana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Al Asr Society Australia | Qaim TV | Urdu
Jashane Eid e Zehra a.s| Al Asr Soceity Autralia | H.I Molana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Qaim TV
Date : 06 Oct 2022 | 09th Rabi Ul Awal 1444...
Jashane Eid e Zehra a.s| Al Asr Soceity Autralia | H.I Molana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Qaim TV
Date : 06 Oct 2022 | 09th Rabi Ul Awal 1444
Location : Al-Asr Soceity Australia
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Runtime: 58m:15s
[Audio] - NahajulBalaghah - Lecture No. 3 - Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Day 3 of lecture series on Nahajul Balaghah by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi-AMZ. Agha started the lecture by describing the application of the Khutbaat...
Day 3 of lecture series on Nahajul Balaghah by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi-AMZ. Agha started the lecture by describing the application of the Khutbaat of Ameerul Momineen AS on all nations and eras as his message is for the spirit of humanity. In this lecture Agha talked about the importance of honesty and character building in the light of Moula Ali sermons. He also spoke about the fact that how Satan attacks human beings at different levels. 18 April 2008
Runtime: 53m:15s
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6121 days ago
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[Audio] - 20th Dec 08 مباہلہ - Self Control and Signs of Success by AMZ - Urdu
Nafs ka Muhasiba oar kamyabi ki nishaniyaan
How to evaluate our life?
Parameters for assesment of life (Weatlh,Fame & Power)....
Nafs ka Muhasiba oar kamyabi ki nishaniyaan
How to evaluate our life?
Parameters for assesment of life (Weatlh,Fame & Power).
Outcome of assessment of our life.
In our criteria who is momin,naik,active?
Parameter of Quran for success and loss.
Impact of Tazkia-e-Nafs.
Four types of People and their attributes.
Message of Ghadeer.
Ghadeer of our time.
Message of Mubahila.
Think do we have Ghadeer and Mubahila in our lives?
Think we just celebrates Ghadeer and Mubahila but not practically acting on it.
Why is the hindrance in the reappearance of Imam Zamana a.s.?
Think are we preparing for zahoor-e-Imam Zamana a.s or creating hindrance in zahoor?
Runtime: 65m:58s
روحانيت کے بنيادی اصول Fundamental laws of Spirituality by HI Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi-Urdu
Fundamental laws of Spirituality by HI Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered on 23rd March 2009
(1) Power of Sprituality
(2) Ayatullah...
Fundamental laws of Spirituality by HI Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered on 23rd March 2009
(1) Power of Sprituality
(2) Ayatullah Behlool and his Sprituality
(3) Spirituality of Ayatullah Khomeini
(4) How to perform right Lanat ?
(5) Disaster of doing wrong way of Lanat ?
(6) Powerfulness of Spiritual laws over physical laws
(7) Bill Clinton's face reading?
(8) Impacts of Ziarat Ashura and Pray of Gufaila ?
Runtime: 59m:54s