[Audio] - Deendari Ki Nishani -Speech by Ali Murtaza Zaidi -May08-Urdu
This is a recent speech by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered in Lahore. The main topic of discussion was to identify a standard through which one...
This is a recent speech by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered in Lahore. The main topic of discussion was to identify a standard through which one can find out if he or she is on the right path. Agha explored various signs that one might possess though they might not necessarily reflect if person is truly religious or deendar. The essence of discussion was that one who is a true religious person or follower of Ahlul Bait AS performs each and every deed for the sake of God.
Runtime: 55m:23s
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6146 days ago
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[24th Demise Anniversary Imam Khomaini Karachi] [1 June 2013] Speech H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
24th Demise Anniversary Imam Khomaini
Central Program
Organized by ISO, MWM, Asgharia, Nasirane Imam, IO
1 June 2013
Britto Road, Karachi
24th Demise Anniversary Imam Khomaini
Central Program
Organized by ISO, MWM, Asgharia, Nasirane Imam, IO
1 June 2013
Britto Road, Karachi
Runtime: 30m:42s
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3929 days ago
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3684 days ago
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[Khamsa Majalis 3] Challenges faced by Momineen before advent of Imam Zamana | H.I Molana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi | MWA Australia | Urdu
Khamsa Majalis PIII I Challanges Faced By Momineen Before Advent Of Imam Zamana I H.I Molana Ali Murtaza Zaidi I MWA I Australia
Khamsa Majalis PIII I Challanges Faced By Momineen Before Advent Of Imam Zamana I H.I Molana Ali Murtaza Zaidi I MWA I Australia
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Runtime: 76m:47s
Jashan e Eid e Zehra a.s | H.I Molana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Al Asr Society Australia | Qaim TV | Urdu
Jashane Eid e Zehra a.s| Al Asr Soceity Autralia | H.I Molana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Qaim TV
Date : 06 Oct 2022 | 09th Rabi Ul Awal 1444...
Jashane Eid e Zehra a.s| Al Asr Soceity Autralia | H.I Molana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Qaim TV
Date : 06 Oct 2022 | 09th Rabi Ul Awal 1444
Location : Al-Asr Soceity Australia
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Runtime: 58m:15s
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5554 days ago
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[Day 1] قرآن سے تمسک Quran say Tamassuk - Maulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Maulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered this speech on the first day of the program arranged by Quran Foundation. The topic is Quran say Tamassuk aur...
Maulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered this speech on the first day of the program arranged by Quran Foundation. The topic is Quran say Tamassuk aur is kay marahil.
Runtime: 65m:25s
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5206 days ago
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Factors of success of Protest at Governor House - Ali Murtaza Zaidi - [CLIP] Urdu
An extract from majlis of Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi in which he comments on the factors which made the governor house sit-in a success. Aga also...
An extract from majlis of Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi in which he comments on the factors which made the governor house sit-in a success. Aga also discussed what could be the future tactics of enemies and how to deal with those
Runtime: 24m:59s
[1] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - کربلا کی تعلیمات اور اسلامی اقدار کا نظام - Urdu
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام...
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام
Place : Masjido Imam Bargahe Noore Iman
Recorded by : Wisdom Gateway Productions Pakistan +92-345-2487579, +92-322-4468100
Runtime: 70m:30s
[2] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - کربلا کی تعلیمات اور اسلامی اقدار کا نظام - Urdu
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام...
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام
Place : Masjido Imam Bargahe Noore Iman
Recorded by : Wisdom Gateway Productions Pakistan +92-345-2487579, +92-322-4468100
Runtime: 53m:56s
[3] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - کربلا کی تعلیمات اور اسلامی اقدار کا نظام - Urdu
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام...
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام
Place : Masjido Imam Bargahe Noore Iman
Recorded by : Wisdom Gateway Productions Pakistan +92-345-2487579, +92-322-4468100
Runtime: 63m:53s